We provide our materials at no-cost to our users because we believe in fostering critical thinking, respectful discussion and debate among students. We think everyone should have access to such resources.
Do you like our materials? Our mission?
If so, please help us keep the lights (and cameras!) on! (Those dang electric bills keep going up!)
Even giving the price of a cup of fancy coffee will help us continue to provide our excellent, high-quality materials, at no charge to educators or students around the world.
Thank you!
izzit.org is a 501(c)(3).
We provide our materials at no-cost to our users because we believe in education, in fostering critical thinking and respectful discussion and debate among students. We think everyone should have access to such resources.
Do you like our materials? Our mission?
If so, please help us keep the lights (and cameras!) on! (Those dang electric bills keep going up!)
Even giving the price of a cup of fancy coffee will help us continue to provide our excellent, high-quality materials, for free, to educators and students around the world.
Thank you!