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No Longer OutCastes
Format: Streaming | Download
Length: 16:52
Grade Level: 7-12+
Closed Captioned: English
What actions do you take to find and benefit from opportunities?

Madhusudana Rao wasn't going to let the circumstances of his birth limit him.

Born a Dalit, the lowest of castes, the "outcasts" in India, he lived in desperate poverty. His entire family worked hard, doing difficult physical labor, walking miles a day, so that he and his brother could get an education.

The family expected Madhusudana to get a low-level government job through programs designed to help Dalits, but in reality, there were few job openings. Instead, Madhusudana seized an opportunity...

Now he and his family are No Longer OutCastes. He's an amazing example of how millions in India have been lifted from poverty and are breaking the grip of discrimination.

What's Included in a Lesson:

Discover the comprehensive resources included in our No Longer OutCastes lesson:

  1. Student video viewing guide (with a note-taking section and 4 thematic questions)
  2. Video Lesson
  3. Lesson activity one
  4. Online formative assessment
  5. Lesson activity two

Our carefully designed lesson components work together to create an engaging and immersive learning experience, promoting critical thinking, and academic growth. From thought-provoking preview questions and informative video lessons to interactive activities and assessments, each element supports your students' understanding of key concepts and encourages meaningful discussions. Explore the richness of our Virtual International Field Trip lessons and inspire your students to embark on an exciting educational adventure that will broaden their perspectives and ignite their curiosity.

Lesson Presentation:

Select the preferred format for your lesson plan and access the interactive content designed to enrich your teaching experience.

Lesson Resources:

Our comprehensive Lesson Resources section includes an Educator How-To-Use Guide, providing step-by-step instructions and strategies for seamless lesson implementation. Engage your students with the Student Viewing Guide, which focuses their attention on key concepts and promotes active learning during the video lesson. Extend the learning experience with Lesson Activity One and Lesson Activity Two, offering interactive exercises that reinforce understanding and encourage critical thinking. With these carefully crafted resources at your fingertips, you'll have everything you need to create a dynamic and immersive educational journey for your students.

Online Formative Assessment:

Each lesson has an 11-question formative assessment, ten multiple choice questions, and one written response that will test your students' general understanding of the video. This can be done in class with technology or issued for homework.

No Longer OutCastes Video Quiz

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